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From being a science student whose passion was to pursue mechanical engineering, to working with Deloitte where I actually landed up, the journey was not what I thought it would be. My life revolves around words like 'Entrepreneur', 'Passion', 'Dreams', and 'Courage'. I believe in doing things no matter small or great with a great amount of passion and sincerity. Running behind dreams that serve people in order to make a difference and to create a brand that engraves your presence in this world is my reason for being an entrepreneur. And being an entrepreneur is not only about "success" and "money", but it's also more of "creating yourself" and "making a difference".I believe, passion is something that cannot be inherited, something money can buy nor any elite university can teach you. It should run in your blood, and since we just have one life, one should have the courage to pursue his dreams. I base my life on the ​saying "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will". And so I present my own creation "Leona's Bakery", not only as an encouragement to follow one's dreams but also to strive to be undeniably best in class.  My dream of baking started not long ago and I believe that unless you are invited, there is no better way to be a part of people's celebration by being a baker!


Leona's Bakery works to bring the best in class taste along with designs that shall be remembered for a long time, so as to be a part of your celebrations. We are here to make a difference in the way you celebrate.


With Leona's Bakery give every celebration the taste it deserves.

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